Stewart Andrew Alexander: Hi, and welcome to another Let’s Talk Business Conversation. And during this segment of the show, I have a marketing consultant, Maurice W. Evans, who’s the owner of our n Inc in good old New York City. Now, Maurice will be talking to you today about a very interesting topic that’s been on the top of everybody’s mind of late. He’s going to be talking about growing a business the easy way. Wait for it with chat, g t p ai. So if you’re out there looking for jargon free information before taking on any form of professional help or support, then you might want to just stop what you’re doing, find a quiet spot where you won’t be disturbed, and listening to what Maurice has to share with us today. So, with that said, it’s taken me a long time to get him onto the show. Let’s not keep him awake a moment longer. Welcome to the show, Maurice.

Maurice W. Evans: Thank you so much for having me. I appreciate you, allowing me to be here with you today. How are you

Stewart Andrew Alexander: Yes, I am fine, Maurice, I’m so excited to have you on this show. It’s a topic like I said before on everybody’s mind, and I know that you are the foremost expert in this area, so we just can’t wait to hear what you have to share with us today. So, with that

Maurice W. Evans: Said, yeah, let’s dive in. Everybody is talking about ai.

Stewart Andrew Alexander: Exactly, exactly. So before we get into the meat and potatoes, as we say here in the uk, please take a moment to briefly describe your company, the kinds of people that you serve, and yeah, the typical kind of situations that they find themselves in when they come to you for your help.

Maurice W. Evans: Yeah, thanks for asking. my company is Ality, and what we are, based on is a model of personality assessments that we have created that is strengths based. And what we have done is identified those strengths, we call them superpowers. And as a result, we have created superhero avatars that represent each of those superpowers. Because we’re dealing with human interpersonal interactions, we have applied them to various elements, particularly those in the business arena. So this applies to all areas of life, business, personal relationships, parenting, everything that you can think of. But we do focus on a lot of the things related to business development, business growth, leadership, marketing, those kinds of things. And those are all superpowered branded. So we have superpowered Marketing, we have superpowered community, which deals with tribes and fan bases. And of course now we’re dealing with superpowered ai. And so what’s interesting is beyond even the basic elements of artificial intelligence, our tribe is one in which we teach people how to use it according to their style, their personality.

Maurice W. Evans: And that’s important because it determines how you interact. It determines what you produce, it determines, how well it’s going to work for you. So the kind of people we serve are people who are dealing in commerce and looking for an unfair advantage. They want to have access to some lesser known or secret, if you will, information that is mysterious to other people, but they get access to it, and it becomes a force multiplier. It becomes a amplifier, it becomes a catalyst. It becomes an accelerator. And that’s why we’re so excited about AI and particularly chat GTPT.

Stewart Andrew Alexander: Okay, thanks for that Maurice. And before we dig deeper into that unfair advantage that you’ve just mentioned, what’s one of the most common misconceptions surrounding the AI industry that you work in

Maurice W. Evans: Ooh. Well, know, I’m gonna get, I’m gonna get kicked outta the AI club. So, I, I guess the, the big misconception is that there is no such thing as general AI or true intelligence. And so, yeah, the big misconception is that these programs are alive and that they’re thinking, and that they have a personality or a soul, and that they are evolving. And that one day they’re gonna turn to Skynet and release Terminator 2000 t two thousands, T 1000. What, what was the model number of the Terminator ,

Stewart Andrew Alexander: I dunno myself, but

Maurice W. Evans: Plug this into the matrix and take over and use our bodies for energy. And we’re far from that. We’re far, far far from that. So the biggest misconception, and that kind of creates a premise for misunderstanding, is that they actually are intelligent and they just really aren’t.

Stewart Andrew Alexander: So if that’s the case, then why do you think that that misconception actually exists Where does it come from

Maurice W. Evans: A combination of things. number one, it is the zeitgeist, right We can, we can go back to, you know, space Odyssey and you know, how, where, computers fall in love with human beings and try to kill human beings. And the Terminator and all of these elements, the matrix, and all kinds of Hollywood based science fiction, novel based concepts of computers from the very beginning before there, there was really even an understanding of computers. There was quote unquote robots, these machines that were alive. And then, you know, that turns into, we actually get into a computer age and fear. It plays off of human fear. And because of that fear driving, well, it makes for great marketing chat. G p t is called G P T because it is a generative pre-trained transformer. But that’s not sexy ai. Ooh, this is an ai, this is an artificial intelligence. Ooh, it’s, it’s alive , it’s Frankenstein, right I think, what is it There’s only so many tropes. It’s either the Frankenstein or the Mummy, or Dracula or, so it’s Frankenstein, it’s, you know, it’s alive. And so ,

Maurice W. Evans: No, the computers alive. What are we gonna do It’s gonna hate humans because, you know, we kind have a little bit of a self-loathing, right We know what we’re doing to each other. We know what we’re doing to the planet, and it’s not cool. And so this, this thing that’s more intelligent than we are, is gonna look at us and say, Ooh, you guys are bad to each other and bad to the planet. I’m gonna get rid of you. Cuz that would be, you know, the thing to do. Right It, it plays on our deepest fears.

Stewart Andrew Alexander: Right. Right.

Maurice W. Evans: Which is great marketing.

Stewart Andrew Alexander: I was just gonna say, I was just gonna say, that’s fantastic marketing to, just use something that’s a simple tool to position it to, you know, get into people’s subconscious minds that way so that there’s this mass fear out there. So, absolutely.

Maurice W. Evans: Yeah. And it makes good news. So Microsoft plays up on that with their releases and tweaks it so that it, yeah, let’s make it more interesting and aggressive. Why Because that keeps ’em in the news cycle.

Stewart Andrew Alexander: Well, , I think you and I are gonna get kicked out of the AI community by the time you finish. You know, you did it.

Maurice W. Evans: You did it. So

Stewart Andrew Alexander: , you started it, right This is not my fault,

Maurice W. Evans: . I

Stewart Andrew Alexander: Did. Okay, so listen, the simple question on people’s minds is for those who have not discovered it, and I’m sure there are still many millions of people out there that don’t know what Chat GTP is, and, haven’t even had any experience hand on hand with AI or let’s say consciously had an experience with AI because we’ve all been affected by ai, AI in some form or shape. but the question is, what is Chat G T P and how do people benefit from using it to what we’re talking about today to grow their business

Maurice W. Evans: Man, that’s a, a, a great question. So, everybody’s here in chat. G p t chat, g p t chat, g p t, chat. G p T is not the only game in town. It’s the only one that I bother with because it, frankly speaking is the best. I like the best. I like to work with the best tools. I prefer Adobe Photoshop. I don’t use Canva. I, prefer, Adobe audition. I I don’t use Audacity, because even though there’s other alternatives, there’s free things, there’s cheap things. I am a professional. I operate at a high level. So I like high level tools. Chat. G p T is unique in that it is easily accessible and usable by the novice and the amateur, but it is robust and it becomes a tool that will create masterpieces in the hands of an expert chat.

Maurice W. Evans: G P T is a predictive text generator if you wanna get technical. But basically it’s a conversational robot, a conversational ai. You talk to it and chat, like you and I might talk over Messenger, or Skype. We can chat back and forth. I type something, you type something back, I give you a prompt, you gimme a response and vice versa. And so you can give it prompts, you can give it a chat message, and it will reply in a chat and you can have a conversation with it. But the conversation that it is having is a predictive text is predicting what you are anticipating. It’s looking for you to tell it what direction you want to have a conversation, and it’ll have it at whatever level you are capable of having a conversation, whether it be about real things or theoretical things, whether it’s about factual things or fictional things.

Maurice W. Evans: It doesn’t know the difference in any of those. So you will steer the direction of that. This is something that becomes amazing for anybody involved in anything related to commerce. If you have a business that is online, if you have a, a business that is on offline, if you are a brick and mortar business, if you are doing e-commerce, if you’re doing social commerce, if you have a service, it doesn’t matter what your business is. If you’re dealing with commerce, then that’s my wheelhouse as a marketing consultant, a business consultant, franchise development creation, this is the ultimate game changer because it works in all dimensions of business. It is going to help you in everything that you’re trying to do in your systems development, for your processes, your procedures in your management, of your employees, of your hiring, of your training, in your, your information gathering and information evaluation in your economics, your bookkeeping, and, counting in your marketing, in your leadership, anything that you are doing within your business, it’s gonna help you from research to implementation. And it is a, a game changer because it does it so quickly. So it amplifies, it, accelerates it, will help your business do things your competitors are unable to do. And you’re able to do it a whole lot faster. You can get six months worth of work done in six minutes. It’s amazing.

Stewart Andrew Alexander: Sounds crazy, doesn’t it Six months of work done in six minutes. That just sounds like, sounds,

Maurice W. Evans: Sounds like an exaggeration,

Stewart Andrew Alexander: Right I know. Yeah.

Maurice W. Evans: It sounds like an exaggeration, but I, I I’ve shown you, you . Yeah,

Stewart Andrew Alexander: I’ve seen it. I’ve seen it firsthand for sure.

Maurice W. Evans: Yeah. It’s one of those things, it’s like, okay, mo you, you’re a marketing guy, we get it. It’s the best thing to slice bread. We’re number one. Woohoo. I’m like, no, no, no. Let me show you mm-hmm. . This is the real deal. This is magic happening. And what’s interesting is this is the beta version. So this is still just a public test, right Of this, there are a lot of features that are not made available to people yet that it already has in place. And sometimes when I’m digging deep, I’ll run across some of those things and I’m like, they haven’t released this portion of it yet. So it’s a, it’s an amazing, amazing piece.

Stewart Andrew Alexander: So if you and I were to be having another interview five years from now, looking back on what you are sharing today, how relevant do you think what you are sharing today will be in five years time

Maurice W. Evans: Oh, it’ll be totally relevant, but it’ll be commonplace. So, right, exactly. Close to 10 years before the pandemic, I was using Zoom for webinars and conferences and meetings and doing coaching sessions and consulting sessions and trainings. And I would tell people, Hey, we’ll meet on Zoom. Zoom, what’s that Oh, what do I have to do How do I install this how do I, oh, I have to have my webcam set up. I, I, oh, it was all kinds of problems. The pandemic comes, now, grandmothers and grandchildren all understand Zoom. It’s a byword. So it probably won’t be called chat. G p t, it’ll be something else. It’ll be something AI chat or something. And five years from now, it’ll just be a part of the Zeit guys. Everybody’s using it and familiar with it because it’s integrated into search engines. Microsoft has integrated into Office Suite and integrated into Visual Studio and E everybody will be using it. they have the audio version of Whisper. They have the, the high level enterprise ai, A p i with platform. They’ve got Dali, which is doing the images. And so all of these things are going to, over time, become more and more of a, more and more of a, a common vernacular. Here’s the bottom line, when we talk about, years from now, right Understand this, that the world has already changed. Most people just don’t know it. Let me give you, lemme give you just a, a, a few stats about

Stewart Andrew Alexander: This. Yeah. Please. Share, share, share an example

Maurice W. Evans: When you, when we understand this. So, something that has been a major game changer in the world, in the planet is Google Translate, right Mm-hmm.

Stewart Andrew Alexander: ,

Maurice W. Evans: Google Translate made it so that, eh, even though it, it’s, it’s transliteration. So it’s not good at contextualizing and understanding nuance of language and, you know, structure of subject predicate, you know, now verb and how those go into order and things. It was really good at the getting the basics and language. And Google Translate took, 78 months to reach 100 million users in a month to have its first month where a hundred million users came into play. That’s six and a half years Uber, which changed the world, right Mm-hmm. 70 months Telegram as a communications device took 61 months, Spotify, which changed the way we listened to music. Particularly when we are comparing to things like terrestrial radio, 55 months, Pinterest, the way that we share imagery with each other took 41 months. The big game changer that was so transformative that Facebook bought it. Instagram took 30 months to reach a hundred million monthly users. TikTok upended the world because it only took nine months for TikTok to hit 100 million monthly users. Can we say that TikTok has changed the world

Stewart Andrew Alexander: Hell yeah. Sure.

Maurice W. Evans: So chat, G P T took two months to reach 100 million users.

Stewart Andrew Alexander: Insane.

Maurice W. Evans: The world has already changed. People just don’t realize it. Mm-hmm. , Chad, j p t is here to stay. It has literally changed from top to bottom, from the everyday man all the way up to the multinational, conglomerate. It’s already changed. People just aren’t aware of it yet. So five years from now yeah, this conversation will have aged very well.

Stewart Andrew Alexander: Yeah. So, in spite all of those benefits that you shared of using, chat, G t p ai, and we’ve touched on it earlier as well, we touched on some of the fears that, the, the industry has, has created around ai. So in spite all of that, what, in your, in, in your opinion, as an expert in this area, what’s the most common fear that people have about using chat G T P I And even more importantly, how can they get past that fear

Maurice W. Evans: Man, that’s a, that’s a really good question, because I think that the most common fear is, is an existential fear that is based off of that original fear of the Frankenstein. it’s the fear of obsolescence. It’s the fear of no longer being needed. It’s the fear of being replaced. We, we’ve, we’ve seen this conversation was going on before we even got to the ai. We just, robots in general. People don’t like the self checkout at the grocery store. Oh,

Stewart Andrew Alexander: Hell, people don’t, one of my pet hates, that’s one of my pets. Cause I, I love to have a conversation with the ladies at the sun, the checkout. I know all these self checkout things. If there’s a lady there, I will, I will wait in the queue and I’ll talk chat. We have a few pleasants with the lady as opposed to saving time, going to the self checkout. But that’s just me. Anyway, sorry to interrupt you. Go ahead.

Maurice W. Evans: You No, you want that warm fuzzy, right, exactly. Human

Stewart Andrew Alexander: Connection.

Maurice W. Evans: That human interaction. And the reality is, we don’t trust the computer, even though the computer actually is more reliable. It doesn’t get tired, doesn’t have a bad day, it didn’t get cut off in traffic. It’s not gonna make a mistake unless it was programmed with a mistake. Right We still don’t trust it. We, we, we trust the human. And so, because it’s easier to hold a human accountable than it is a machine, right And so, because we don’t trust it, because of that impersonal nature, we prefer the warm and fuzzy. And it’s, you know, we’re talking about, a type of thing where, especially where the, the, the majority of people who are workers are blue collar type workers. They’re not high level experts in their particular field, right So we see that in Walmart. They have a machine that just goes up and down the aisles.

Maurice W. Evans: It’s just a giant Roomba, it’s just mopping the floors, right Well, we know that that’s a job. There was a guy who could feed his family and he could get a job pushing a broom around Walmart, but that job’s no longer available, right There used to be a person could sit inside of a toll booth, but now they just take a camera of your license plate and send you the bill or, or have the little device that scans and is, you know, prepaid or sends a bill. However, that’s gonna work in those different areas. But those used to be jobs that were available. Cashier used to be a job, but that job’s kind of going away. And so we see these quote unquote, robots taking jobs. Well, now when we’re talking about chat, G p T, we’re talking about ai. Well, now we’re talking about something that doesn’t even have to be built and take a physical presence.

Maurice W. Evans: So now, I’ve, I’ve got conversations that I do trainings with various groups. One of the groups I’m doing one with is writers. So, you know, writers are like, oh, they’re afraid that they’re gonna be replaced, especially when it’s so easily accessible and the quality is so high. Well, who’s gonna hire me if I’m not a top of the chain expert And so that’s a real fear. It’s an, it’s an existential crisis. Says what happens to all the people who were doing x, y, Z kind of work. But this always happens with technology. It used to take a whole lot of people to go out into the field to, you know, cut the wheat and then, you know, technology more and more, better tools, better tools, better tools. And then there’s this giant tractor that just does it all. Right Now you just need a person who’s an expert at driving the tractor.

Maurice W. Evans: But that also creates people who need to be able to build the tractor and people who need to maintain the tractor and people who know how to repair the tractor. So what happens is our people skills, adjust and shift to a different direction. And that’s what we, we have to do. So the person who says, well, there’s a robot replacing this job that a human used to do. Yes. But a robot has to be designed, A robot has to be programmed, A robot has to be built, A robot has to be installed, A robot has to be maintained, A robot has to be repaired, A robot has to be replaced. Those are, so that one robot may take one job, but it’s actually creating a lot more jobs. Mm-hmm. . And so the reality is AI driven materials, particularly chat, G P t, is going to replace the people who don’t use the tool.

Maurice W. Evans: So there, there are writers, I’m sure that there is a, a, a snobbish writer out there who insists that the best writing is done with the, with the connection with the universe and nature. That only comes if you have a quill feather and you dip that into an ink. Well, and you have parchment paper made of natural papyrus. There’s probably a guy out there that believes that in his heart and is an excellent writer. And there’s probably some people that hire him. But I promise you that more people are gonna hire the person who just says, yeah, I use Microsoft Word . Just exactly. Just more of that available. So it, it’s one of those things that the people who choose to use the technology, this happened with, linear versus non-linear editing. And the video production. This happened with going from analog to digital in the audio, production field. This happened with, photography, with the, the analog to digital, photography. This, this happens in every single industry. And the people who grew up with and profited from and invested their time learning the techniques of the manual ways get a little bit offended when the automation comes through because they feel like they’re being replaced. It’s about keeping up with technology. It’s about staying modern and current. Exactly.

Stewart Andrew Alexander: I mean, that train could, that train’s not gonna stop, don’t wait. Right It’s just gonna keep them rolling.

Maurice W. Evans: Oh, the, and now the train is not even just a train, it’s an inter galactic spaceship at this point. Yeah, I hear. So you can still, I mean, you know, the Amish are still around and they still do horse and buggy mm-hmm. . It’s okay. If that’s your thing, that’s fine. But just know that the world is going to continue to progress. And if you’re in commerce, like I said, then the advantage is gonna be to the people who are using this to their advantage. So rather than facing that, oh, no, it’s gonna replace me, the way to overcome that fear is to engage and to learn, and to go ahead and get familiar with it. And the only way to get familiar is to try it and learn about it and use it and get comfortable with it.

Stewart Andrew Alexander: So if I’m, if I’m listening in right now, and I mean, you’re sharing some great insights here, and, you know, if I’m sat on the fence thinking, should I invest my time in this ai And then after listening to you, you know, I’ll probably be thinking, you know, something, I really need to look into this further. I’m gonna, you know, get myself clued up on using AI best time, best money, do what I need to do to stay current. If I’m out there and I make that decision today, and I also have a business, how could I use AI or chat G T P in this case to yeah. To build my business. Can you expand on that for us

Maurice W. Evans: So this goes back to, really the core of that question is, how can I grow my business

Stewart Andrew Alexander: Exactly.

Maurice W. Evans: So in whatever way you can grow your business, chat, G p T will help you do it better and faster. If you need to, create onboarding processes for your customers, chat, G P T will do that quickly and effectively. If you need to create content, to help with the visibility of your business, then chat G p t will help you do that quickly and effectively. If you need to, simplify your processes and your procedures chat, G P T will help you do that quickly and effectively. If you need to, figure out how to save money in your business, it’ll help you do that quickly and effectively. How do you grow your business Well, which area do you wanna focus on to help you grow your business Are you trying to cut cost Are you trying to increase income Are you trying to find new profit centers Are you trying to increase the ROI of your marketing in general Are you trying to increase the return on ad spend on a very specific campaign Are you trying to do some market research and find some additional targets You’re trying to move towards a blue ocean type strategy What are you trying to do to grow your business And whatever you are trying to do, chat G p t absolutely positively will help you do that faster and more effectively than your competition.

Stewart Andrew Alexander: So I understand what you’re saying, Maurice and I also understand that you have a different approach to Yeah. What I guess is one of the biggest questions that people currently have when it comes to using chat G T P. And that is, here it comes, this is a elephant in the room. How do you talk to it without needing to memorize a long list of never ending prompts that you see everybody, promoted out there Please

Maurice W. Evans: Spend

Stewart Andrew Alexander: Some time and, and explain that one my brother, please.

Maurice W. Evans: , I, I can’t with you Mr. Alexander. See you just steady trying to get me kicked out the club. I am,

Stewart Andrew Alexander: I’m doing my best .

Maurice W. Evans: Oh, boy. All right. Well, we going all in. Let’s go. I’m here for all this smoke. Let’s,

Stewart Andrew Alexander: Let’s go for it. Okay, man.

Maurice W. Evans: , we

Stewart Andrew Alexander: Can bake for forgiveness after, right, ,

Maurice W. Evans: Right, right, right. At this point, there’s no point even begging for forgiveness. It’s just, you just know it’s not coming excommunication immediately. Okay So , so, and this is really an intuitive thing, and a lot of this just has to do with the functionality. What you have is, this is created by the tweet geeks, right These are programmers, these are people who are writing code. And so their perspective is going to be very logical, very static, very if then else statement, very routine, sub-routine, very code-based perspective. They are not out here running businesses. So they don’t have the perspective or the experience, the understanding of our perspective of those of us out here. And we don’t have their perspective. So there’s a little bit of a miscommunication. They’re putting out technical specs. And those technical specs are creating a situation where the people who want to learn about this are trying to weed through the tech specs without understanding them.

Maurice W. Evans: And so the, the lowest hanging fruit became the prompt. The question, as people perceive it, it’s not a question, but that’s what people think of it as that you put into the chat. And so people say, that’s the most common thing people ask me when they see the results that I produce. Well, what did you ask it, Mo What, what did you say to it What did you put in What was the prompt that you used And so there is this, there’s this whole massive wave of prompt lists out there. These are the best prompts to use. And here’s the list of prompts. If you tell it this, you’ll do this and do this. The challenge with that is, one, it creates a dependence on prompts. So that means now when you’re doing something, now you, when you need to modify it or change it, now you gotta search for somebody to give you the prompt for what you’re doing.

Maurice W. Evans: But what you are doing is unique to you. You have a specific context. And so it’s not what you prompt, it’s not what you ask. It’s more how you ask and why you ask. Remember, this uses N L P, and, and it’s not AI at all. It’s m ml plus n l p for, l l m, which stands for, it’s not artificial intelligence, it’s machine learning plus not neurolinguistic programming, but natural language processing of a large language model. And so, in layman’s terms, what that means is it’s just a program with a really big database that understands regular conversation. That’s what that means. So when you go to Google and you start typing in something, the minute you type it in, it starts predicting what it thinks you’re trying to say. Even when you’ve only put in one word, it’s trying to predict a whole sentence of what you might be looking for, because it’s kind of been paying attention to you, right

Maurice W. Evans: And so we’re used to this in Gmail, when you’re typing an email response to someone, it, it predicts what you want to say, and it writes out that sentence. Spell check. Same thing inside Microsoft Word, Grammarly. These are all ml, these are all theis within these things where we see this predictive text. So when we are working with quote unquote ai, when we’re working with chat G P T, then what we are seeing is something that uniquely understands our language. Now, you, know there’s a difference in American English and British English, right You and I both speak English, but you know, we know you speak proper English .

Stewart Andrew Alexander: That’s debatable. Let’s leave that one there. ,

Maurice W. Evans: . I love all my love.

Stewart Andrew Alexander: I speak English. You speak American. How about that

Maurice W. Evans: Right Right.

Stewart Andrew Alexander: , that’s so cool.

Maurice W. Evans: And so here in America, there’s a difference in those in California who are down in the valley and those down in Alabama and US here in New York, and there’s a, a difference in the dialects and things. And so I did this with a, a group of people just to prove a point that what you say is not important. We said, type this in. Hey, yo dog, write me a book about rap. And it did, because it understands, it’s not concerned about your spelling error. It’s not concerned about your bad grammar. It doesn’t matter. It understands vernacular, it understands different languages. So it’s going to predict based off of you. So I have a, a, a large tribe of people who follow me for AI in the uk. And so one of them is a group of mothers who are in business, but we don’t say mothers.

Maurice W. Evans: We say mums. Mm-hmm. . And so when we, when we talk to chat g p t, we say mums, and it responds with the word mums. It doesn’t say, oh, did you mean mothers Did you mean, because it only speaks, what do you call it American . Americans may have made it, but it speaks multiple languages. So what you say is not important. What’s important is how you talk to it and why you’re talking to it. And you talk to it. Like you talk to a high level expert, don’t micromanage it. It’s not a va. You don’t have to hold its hand. You just have to speak to it in a way that is clear and concise. And if you do that, you don’t need prompts. You don’t need, I there, I kid you not, there’s an advertisement I posted on my page of somebody that has 1000 well over, it says 1000 plus over a thousand prompts.

Maurice W. Evans: Who’s gonna memorize that Yeah. Who wants to search that with everything that you’re doing Oh, let me see. Which of the thousand prompts I, no, why can’t you just have an intuitive conversation like you would with a person Like you prefer That’s one of the reasons why you prefer the lady at the checkout, right Exactly. Because the general conversation, the greeting, the personal list of friendliness. But what if you have a question What if, you know, you don’t want to have to push the buttons and find the help file, and you wanna just ask somebody a question and get an answer, not know the way the computer wants you to talk to it. And, and that’s a fear that holds people back because usually you have to learn the way software wants you to talk to it. Mm-hmm. . And depending on the programmer, right

Maurice W. Evans: We have the whole thing called UX u ui, user experience, user interface. Mm-hmm. . And so sometimes the user interface is not intuitive. Sometimes the user experience is horrible because somebody who doesn’t use it, you know, I, a perfect example of that is Elon Musk and Teslas, it is not user friendly. If you, if you aren’t, you know, very spartan and abstract and just kind of think like he thinks, then it’s not gonna make sense to you. because he didn’t feel that, you know, it needed seat warmers or adjusting, you know, it’s, yeah, but some, he said only a fraction of percentage of people used it. Well. So what, to that fraction of percentage of people, that’s important. And so you, this is different than anything we’ve experienced before. You can go in and be yourself and talk to it the way you speak to it. If you have a third grade education, it will understand you. If you have multiple PhDs, it will understand you. So what you say is not important. So I am, I’m anti prompt. I am, I’m anti prompt.

Stewart Andrew Alexander: . So as a reminder, ladies and gentlemen, my guest today is marketing consultant Maurice Evans. And Maurice has been addressing a topic of growing a business the easy way with chat, g t chat, G p t, ai. Now then, Maurice, you’ve shared some great insights so far. So let’s just flip the script, as you say, in American, okay.

Maurice W. Evans: And in American. So

Stewart Andrew Alexander: Yeah, exactly. , and talk a little bit about you. So yeah, please tell us a little bit about your backstory and what was it that led or even inspired you to become and do what you do today

Maurice W. Evans: Man, shout out to my mama on me. She rest in peace. my mother was a Motown singer. Wow. So that’s a story for another time. Mm-hmm. . But she also was, if you know anything about that era, none of those artists made any money. Exactly. So while they did get to travel the world and great experiences and entertain the world, we, I didn’t grow up with a silver spoon. Didn’t grow up rich. In fact, it was quite the opposite. We struggled quite a bit. My mother was a solo serial entrepreneur, so she had side hustles before that was a word, and did all kinds of things. And she had me actively involved with her while she did those things. and I think back to this, I’m not sure how she did it, but somehow I was in a school and one of the kids got a computer and he was the only one who had a computer in our, our class.

Maurice W. Evans: And he had a Commodore 64, but she talked to his mom and how it was the future and this, that, and the other thing. And somehow a couple Christmases later, I got a Commodore 64, like 1982. And in 1984, I was proficient in a programming language called Basic. And I got a program called Eliza, E l I z A, all caps, look it up listeners. You might be impressed to find that this was the world’s first chat bot that was actually created by an M I T professor in 1964. So yeah, we’ve been doing AI out here in the world for quite some time. Mm-hmm.

Stewart Andrew Alexander: ,

Maurice W. Evans: I got involved as having the ability with this software to prompt engineer it, to start seeing how it responds to prompts and, but also got to go in en code it and train it. And so as a result, I have been doing prompt engineering, coding and training since 1984. I was 10 years old, and I have stayed in technology since then. 92, I got, I became a marketing consultant, 94, became a business coach. And again, as sent mentioned, you know, specializing in venture capital acquisition, franchise creation, franchise system creation and development. And so I have had the opportunity to have some great mentors and some great experiences in business. And those things have enabled me to combine my tech background with my business consulting background and really, really excel in this area of where we are. This dream come true. The le it took an internet coming to fruition in a worldwide web, and the encyclopedia and the dictionary and the Bible and Reddit and Twitter and all these things, being able to put into a large enough database for cloud servers to be in place and edge computing and all of these kinds of things were necessary to get to this level where we’re at now, which is really like the dream.

Maurice W. Evans: This is what we dreamed it could be. It really is not more advanced than Eliza was in 1984. It’s just a larger database. And the algorithm, for the N L P and the ml and, you know, the language learning, the, the, the understanding, all these kinds of things, it is just a little more advanced. It’s the same basic tech, but it is amazing how it iterates. It’s amazing how it predicts, but it’s all just pulling from a large database and just spitting that back out, which is why, you know, I wanna stodge people’s fears that it knows something that it’s gonna grow. And because if it, if it knows, if it thinks, what happens if it outthinks us, that’s the fear, right Well, it doesn’t think, it doesn’t know anything. it can only do what we program it to do. So we have no fear of it escaping and getting out into the wild and doing its own thing. You know, that’s always part of the trope, right That it leaves the, the firewall and it gets out into the internet and it gets into the real world. And, you know, it runs amuck, , mm-hmm. . So, you know, it’s launching nuclear missiles and doing all kinds of things, right Crazy. Right. I promise, promise you can’t do that, I promise you.

Stewart Andrew Alexander: Yeah. Yeah. And I’m, I’ll hardly agree with you as well. but in just listening to your background and the experience you have, in spite all of that, in spite your experience in, despite being involved in AI since 1984, what would be some of the perceived, and I put an emphasis on the word perceived, what would be some of the perceived obstacles that may prevent someone in, despite all your experience from seeking the help of a professional like yourself

Maurice W. Evans: I, I think the biggest obstacle is not even a perceived one, it’s just ignorance that there are professionals like myself that there is such a thing as prompt engineering. That there are people who are not hobbyists, right You go on YouTube, majority of the people, they’re hobbyists, they’re not professional engineers. you know, when you use that term engineer, that in and of itself implies a certain level of mastery and expertise. So when you look at prompt engineering out there, and you can for $5 get an ebook of prompts, and you can now be a prompt engineer expert, then a lot of people don’t realize that there is such a thing as people like myself who have a mastery of this and can make chat, G p t do things that other people say it’s not possible to do. I hear people say, and, and these are some of the preconceived notions, right

Maurice W. Evans: Well, it’s just the computer’s just ai, it, it’s, it has no soul. I’ve, I’ve seen the output. It’s boring. It’s general, it’s generic. Well, that’s because the person doing the prompting put in generic prompts, and they don’t know how to create a hundred percent original content. They don’t know how to create content that is plagiarism free. They don’t know how to create content that is gonna be in the voice of the person prompting. They don’t know how to create content that’s on brand. And so since they don’t know about that, they think that, it’s not for me. I don’t need it. It’s not helpful. It’s not there yet, is their perspective, but it is there. They just haven’t found someone who knows how to do it. So I think the, the biggest preconceived notion is a notion that, of ignorance that they don’t know that there is such a thing as professionals like myself who do know how to mm-hmm.

Maurice W. Evans: , make it obey , right Make it, make it come up with the, the right results. I’ve, I’ve written fiction, I’ve written non-fiction. and so people are concerned with what they think they think Google’s gonna penalize Google is not, they’ve expressly said they are not gonna penalize it. but they are, looking for the E E A T related things, right Mm-hmm. . And so they’re, they’re not going to say, oh, this was ai. And people say, oh, they’re AI detection. The things that I write, no, AI detector knows it’s ai and no plagiarism detector detects any plagiarism in it. So, but you have to have a level of expertise to do that. And so when people are used to seeing, lower experienced people provide a prompt based approach, then they’re gonna see mediocre results, and they’re just not gonna be impressed. They’re not gonna think there is such a thing as a professional. They’re not gonna look for a professional, they’re not gonna know where to find a professional. they’re gonna think that what they’re doing is so unique that no one can help them with it, not really realizing the breadth of capabilities within the chat. G P T mm-hmm. .

Stewart Andrew Alexander: So for me, Maurice, right As I listen to you, you, you can put any title that you wanna call yourself, but for me, essentially what you are, is a transformation list in terms of you take somebody from sitting at their computer screen, they may have a list of a thousand prompts, and they sat there totally confused about how to use these prompts to get the end result that they require. You take them from that point, from point A, and you take them on a transformational journey to point B where they’re using chat G T P AI to, to convert something which could have taken, as you mentioned before, six weeks, and doing that in six minutes to create a book to create, informational, very helpful blog post or in, in their own voice, in their own tonality. So for me, you are a transformationist. And with that said, then, Maurice, can you share an example of how you’ve been able to take somebody, and obviously keeping your client’s confidentiality in mind, but share an example of how you’ve taken somebody from point A to point B, where they will sat in front of AI chat G T P, not really knowing what to do, or thought they knew the right way through using prompts, but you took them on that transformational journey and succeeded in gaining the results that they were looking for. Please go ahead and share something with us.

Maurice W. Evans: Yeah, thanks. There’s a, a man so much I, over the last month, I’ve trained hundreds of people over the last month, and within 15 minutes, gotten them to a place where they no longer look for a prompt list, where they’re comfortable that they can begin using chat j p t in a way that makes sense to them, that’s intuitive to them to get dynamic results from it. It takes about 15 minutes for them to really click and say, oh, I get it. And they’re no longer asking, what do I say What do I say They always have an approach now to go in and get what they need done, done I hundreds of people just in the last month. but specifics of application of that would be, you know, health and wellness professional in which we’ve created to non-fiction books plus two children’s books, plus, a work shop course plus affirmation cards, plus press releases, plus social media posts, for groups, for Facebook, for LinkedIn.

Maurice W. Evans: we created for her recipes to go in the book. We, and, and just really almost a year’s worth of content. We, we did in a matter of hours complete, full, ready to go. That’s another myth, is that it, it’s a good foundation. It’s a good start. You can get an outline or brainstorm, yes, it does that, but you can get a complete finished product from it. And so that’s one of the things I’ve, I’ve helped many people just create what they’re trying to create from poetry to press releases to books and courses, to advertisements and sales copy, created, complete sales funnels, created, some research, helping to create games and interactive elements, just charts. we’ve been playing with, using it to create charts. So getting the data that it will organize the data, it will produce the data, and then that we can then create pie, pie charts and bar graphs and these kinds of things. using it to create memes and I mean, , just

Stewart Andrew Alexander: Everything, the just list goes on and on, right , everything. The list is as long as a list of prompts, right ,

Maurice W. Evans: I, I work with this every day. I’m either training people, talking with people like yourself and just kind exactly. Sharing, threading the word about it or working for clients. This is what I do every day now. Like all my other projects have, have been like, you know, in brand building stuff is like to the side because this is what really is kind of the, both the electricity and the bridge mm-hmm. , right It’s the, it’s the power to accelerate, but it, it’s, it’s that bridge that’s a catalyst to make it get done quickly from point A to point B. That’s, that’s the beauty of it.

Stewart Andrew Alexander: I’ve got, I have a couple more questions, for you before we finish up. Cause we, we are approaching the end of the show. But before I do that, I just wanna cycle back to something you just, said a couple of minutes ago that you have ran workshops and within 15 minutes you’ve been able to show people, basically how they don’t need to use prompts anymore. Right And I just wanted to address that because that’s, that’s some, that’s something that can just easily fly over someone’s head. I mean, yeah. 15 minutes then. Yeah. Can’t be any good. I mean, what can you learn in 15 minutes Right But it reminds me of an analogy that I once heard someone say, of this, of a dentist. And there was a guy who went to the dentist and he had this terrible, terrible toothache.

Stewart Andrew Alexander: And he sat down in the dentist chair, you know, dentist did his thing and what’s wrong Got a toothache. The dentist went in there, yanked it out, and it was, it was done within two minutes, right Mm. So as he got the bill a couple of days later, he got the bill and it was like a thousand dollars. So this guy rings up the surgery and he says, A thousand dollars, it only took you two minutes. And so the dentist replied to that as well, I could have taken two hours if you wanted to. So the lesson they’re in is not how long it takes, but the value, right Of solving that problem, having that expertise to recognize what the problem is and go in there and start the problem out very quickly. And so I just wanted to bring that up for the listener. Right now, we just may have heard you say, oh, I’ve been doing workshops for the last month or so, and I’ve shown you hundreds of people how to stop using prompts, within 15 minutes. And I just think that’s something that just not should be, you know, just, just, yeah, just, just hurried over. It’s just a, a passing comment. Does that, does that make sense, Maurice

Maurice W. Evans: Yeah, absolutely. it definitely is a result of my decades of mastery with this because it’s a, it’s an approach, it’s a mindset approach. And so when people can remove that technical approach and take a much more intuitive approach, it becomes more comfortable for people. It becomes more user friendly. Mm-hmm. . And so, you know, once you’re comfortable with things and familiar, I mean, you know, we, we remember when there was a time when most people’s houses, we went to their V c r slash 12 and, and their clocks flash 12 because they didn’t in the car. Yeah. And that was the worst inside the car. It just was 12 o’clock all the time inside the car. , you’re right, .

Maurice W. Evans: And so, but once you, you could show somebody how to do, once they knew how to do it, it was like, oh, this is easy. Where it seems complicated because it’s foreign and unknown, and the common information doesn’t address it at the highest level. So I, I teach methodologies and principles, I teach mindset. And as people come in with a different approach, they find that, oh, this is something that’s more comfortable for me. It’s not that you can’t use the self-checkout, it’s just, it’s more comfortable to deal with a person. Mm-hmm. And so when you take the self-checkout approach to chat G P T, then that’s pushing buttons and putting the right thing in the right order. And what is the prompt What did you ask it And what should I say Versus having a, another human being to speak to You Don’t adjust the way you speak to a human being.

Maurice W. Evans: You don’t say, well, what words do I use to ask this human being This question you just ask in whatever way is comfortable for you. It’s the same thing with chat j p T. And once people grasp that, then you can really get into what it’s designed to do, which is to partner with you in a flow state. And if you’re not in a flow state, then it can help you get into the flow state. And that’s, that’s where the magic is. We, the Olympics is nothing but us watching people in a state of flow. Mm-hmm. , it’s amazing when humans are in the state of flow. We love that. And so this understands that, and it will manifest in content, the vision that’s inside your heart, because all it’s doing is predicting the chain of thought. That’s it.

Stewart Andrew Alexander: So Maurice, if there is somebody out there and they’re thinking about bringing on an expert like yourself, what are some of the things that they should be looking for when evaluating such people

Maurice W. Evans: I think the most important thing is that the professional would have an understanding of their particular project. So if you are creating sales letters, they need to have familiarity with sales copy. If you’re creating advertising, they need to have familiarity with online advertising or print advertising magazine, TV commercials, video production. They need to, because the thing is, it’s one thing to ask somebody to do something, but just like hiring any professional, how will you evaluate the results So make sure that they have an understanding of your industry, of your project, of your approach, of whatever it is you’re trying to do, so that you guys can speak the same language so that there can be clear expectations, and those expectations can be met.

Stewart Andrew Alexander: Perfect. Perfect. So we are approaching the end of the show. Maurice, I’ve had such a great time with you, but before,

Maurice W. Evans: Man, I’ve loved it.

Stewart Andrew Alexander: We go, I know, it’s, it’s just, I just feel like we’re just, you know, begin to scrape the tip of the iceberg, but we are running out of time. So let me ask you this. So Maurice, if there is somebody who wants to grow their business or use chat GTP to grow their business, how can they get in touch with you one, and more importantly, what happens when they do, as in when they reach out to you, are you going to drag them to the back of your office and steal their money out the purse, hit them over their head with a Fred Fly Song Club You know, people want to know what your, what your process is, you know, but is there any risk for them to reach out to you So please go ahead, share how they can get in touch with you and what their next steps are.

Maurice W. Evans: Yeah, well, we have a, a lot of ways that you can follow and get in touch with me and just become a part of the tribe and really learn how we all are learning together and growing and really putting AI through its paces to benefit us all to really have a better impact on the world and to have more influence on people so that, we can just accomplish our missions individually and collectively. I’m Maurice w Evans, all over. If you type Maurice w Evans into wherever you’re at, you’ll, you’ll find me some kind of way. but you can also go to Superpowered ai Superpowered, S U P E R W, superpowered, S U P E R P O W E R E D A I superpowered And I’ll have links on there that will send you to various places of your preferred platforms to reach me.

Maurice W. Evans: And so we have a group SUPERPOWERED community where it’s mostly about building communities and how communities can build your business, and we are heavily using AI in that process. So it’s a Facebook group that we’re involved with that you can come and join, of course, reaching out to me anytime, through Messenger or these kinds of things. They’re all available. Again, superpowered will, will send you to all of those places to reach me. And there’s no risk to just see what’s going on. Depends on what you’re doing. we have free courses all the time. We have the community, which is free, so you can interact and get to know us and we can get to know you if you need some training. We do have paid trainings that are available that you can enroll in. We have, work for hire if you need to retain an expert to do your project for, you can do that too. There’s no pressure. but there is so much going on right now. next month it’s gonna be on a whole other level, you talking about five years from now, and it’s gonna be a whole different world. Wow. Right, right. We’re gonna have to revisit this before five years, I hope. But, wanna come back again, but definitely five years. Let’s look back and see how this is held up.

Stewart Andrew Alexander: Oh, definitely will definitely be back on before five years. He’s, that’s for sure. listen, my brother, unfortunately, we are out of time for today. so ladies and gentlemen, you have been listening to marketing consultant Maurice Evans. Thank you so much for sharing so generously with us today, Maurice, you have certainly demonstrated 100% hands down that you are a true educator and advocate for your client’s success. So thank you,

Maurice W. Evans: Man. Thank you. I appreciate you having me. Woo. Ai change the world already. So instead of Maurice w Evans, I maybe you need to change my name to Maurice, a AI Evans. No, that,

Stewart Andrew Alexander: That sounds pretty cool too. That sounds pretty cool.

Maurice W. Evans: .

Stewart Andrew Alexander: So listen, art, I’d also like to take a moment to say a big thank you to you Yes. Our listener, because without you, yeah, we’d be sat here twiddling our little thumbs and not having anybody to speak to. So thank you so much for taking the time outta your busy day and for joining us on what I can only describe as an insightful and informative conversation with one of the leading marketing consultants in the New York City area today. Again, his name is Maurice Evans. Please make sure you do check him out. he shared his website details. Do check him out because if there’s one thing I’m sure of after listening to Maurice today is that if you are looking to build your business with ai, with chat g t p, you are going to be in a good, safe and secure place to get started with Maurice. So that’s it. Again, my name is Stuart Andrew Alexander, and we’ll be back shortly with some more leading business professionals in this, our series of Let’s Talk Business Conversations. So until then, take care, have a great day and we’ll talk real soon.

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